The Benefits of Upgrading to Energy-Efficient Shingle Roofing

by | May 2, 2023 | Blog, Shingle Roofing

Energy-efficient shingle roofing effectively reflects sunlight and heat, keeping the building’s interior cooler. These innovative roofing materials make it easier to regulate the temperature inside, reducing your electricity bill. 

One reason that these roofing shingles are effective is their light color, but that is only the beginning. In this post, our team at AWS Roofing explains more about how these materials work.

How Do Roofing Shingles Save Energy? 

Asphalt shingles reflect sunlight and block UV radiation, resulting in a cooler building. The lighter the color, the greater the energy-saving effect is. 

How Much Energy Can You Save?

The answer depends on the quality of the product. Not all shingle roofing does as well with the energy star rating system. Dark wood shakes, for example, may have a far lower reflective capacity, making them less efficient. 

As such, it’s important to speak to reputable roofing contractors before choosing the materials for the new roofing job. Ask them to advise on the best shingle roofing in Edgewater to meet your needs. 

While energy-efficient options typically cost more per square foot, they pay for themselves in energy savings over time. You can expect the right shingle roofing to save you up to 15% on what you pay at the moment. 

To be sure that you receive the maximum benefit, it is best to check the energy star rating for the product. 

The Benefits of Upgrading

There are several reasons to upgrade. 

Better Quality Product

These are slightly more expensive than normal roofing shingles, but they are also of better quality. The warranties tend to be longer than for cheaper options. 

Save Money

You can save money every month with a lower electricity bill. Additionally, since the roofing is of better quality, it has a longer lifespan. With the right annual maintenance plan, you will have many trouble-free years ahead of you.

More Environmentally Friendly

Reflective roofing also reduces the impact of global warming. It does this by keeping your home cooler and by reducing your reliance on electricity. 

Potential Tax Credits

You may receive credits toward the cost of building materials but not the actual installation. The government also has restrictions on which products qualify, extending past the Energy Star certification. You receive credits for the following:

  • Metal roofs of the appropriate color
  • Asphalt roofs if they have the requisite cooling granules. 

Our team can help you find the right product for your needs and assist you in determining if you qualify for tax credits. 

Want to Save More Energy with Your Shingles?

The Energy Star rating is only one small aspect when it comes to energy efficiency. You can also improve the results by considering the following factors. 

Solar Reflectance 

Solar reflectance is the primary indicator of how much energy you will save. The higher this factor is, the more sunlight will reflect off the roof, and the less your air conditioner has to work. There are a few aspects to reflectance, namely:

  • The lighter the color, the higher the level of reflectance.
  • The smoother the surface, the more it reflects light.
  • Shinier surfaces also tend to reflect more heat than matte ones.
  • Cleaner surfaces will reflect more heat than dirty ones.

Thermal Emittance

Thermal emission refers to the rate at which the roofing materials cool down at night. This component is more challenging to manage than reflectance because it depends on when you are most likely to be in the building. 

For example, this is your home, and no one is home during the day. It, therefore, makes more sense to have a roofing material that absorbs some heat during the day but emits it quickly at night. Clay tiles are less than ideal because they retain heat for longer.

In your office building, however, it might not matter if the thermal emission rate is low because no one is in the building at night. As such, it would be fine to choose a shingle roofing material that is relatively reflective but slow to cool.

Color and Reflective Coating

If you do not have the budget for a roof replacement, you can improve energy efficiency by applying a specialist coating. These are light in color and highly reflective, making them ideal for the roof’s surface. 

They require an expert application but can lower the temperature in the building significantly. It will not be to the same degree as with the shingles, but it is still an effective upgrade.

Choose Granular Asphalt Shingles

While smooth surfaces are more reflective, we need to select granular asphalt shingles over non-granular versions. The reason is that granular versions are more adept at blocking UV radiation than their smoother counterparts.

Regular Maintenance

Maintaining the efficiency of any roof is only possible with regular maintenance. This is particularly true of shingles, as the elements chip away their asphalt coating over time. Small leaks and other minor issues can progress to major ones without timely repairs. Finally, roof cleaning washes away contaminants and algae that absorb sunlight and degrade the roof surface.

An annual inspection and cleaning is one of the best investments in energy efficiency you can make.

Learn More About Energy-Efficient Shingle Roofing in Edgewater

Are you ready to reduce your carbon footprint and save money at the same time? Regardless of how many square feet your roof is, we can introduce you to the benefits of energy-efficient shingle roofing.  Contact our team at AWS Roofing at (386) 200-5034 to discuss energy-efficient shingle roofing and get your free estimate today!

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